When your business runs into financial difficulties, it is hard to imagine a profitable future. But even in the midst of financial problems, bankruptcy can provide a way forward. Here are a few things you should know about corporate bankruptcy if you run a business.
- Bankruptcy marks the end of your business—When you declare corporate bankruptcy, you lose control of your business. Although this can be disheartening, we can provide you with information about your available options.
- Bankruptcy is not your only option—If you would like to maintain control of your business, a restructuring proposal may be your better option. We can help you weigh whether restructuring or corporate bankruptcy is the right move for your business.
- Filing corporate bankruptcy takes time—If you intend to file corporate bankruptcy, prepare for the process to take at least nine months to be finalized. How long this process takes largely depends on the schedule of the court.
- Our experienced firm can help—Our firm has over 30 years of experience helping businesses through the corporate bankruptcy process. Rely on our experience and expertise to successfully guide you throughout this process.
- A consultation is your first step—Are you interested in filing corporate bankruptcy or exploring your other options? Contact us to schedule your initial consultation.